HPV Vaccinations

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    Hello All
    My twelve-year-old daughter’s Year 8 group is having HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccinations today.

    As I had not heard of this vaccine before, I did some research about it.
    • The virus can, in some cases, cause cervical cancer.
    • This virus comes in many forms, only four of which (the most prevalent, admittedly) are addressed by the vaccine.
    • It is a sexually transmitted virus
    • The vaccine also takes a while to become fully effective (a second dose needs to be administered six to twelve months later)
    • it is claimed to be effective for up to 10 years
    • There have been concerns about girls who have become seriously ill after receiving the vaccine

    In the literature given by the school, the vaccine is presented as an immunisation against cervical cancer. It seems to me, however:
    • It protects a person who engages in sexual activity between the ages of 13 and 22
    • with someone who is infected by one of the HPV strains covered by the vaccine
    • It will not protect them from cervical cancer from other strains of the virus (found in 30% of HPV cases)
    • It will not protect them from cervical cancer from any other cause
    • They will take on a previously non-existent risk, no matter how small, of serious illness

    Surely implicit in this programme is the assumption that all girls will be having illegal, under-age sex? I find that quite disturbing. This assumption in the government’s approach to sex education has actually caused an increase in pregnancies and STIs among children and teenagers. Both are now at epidemic levels. I also found the official HPV literature inadequate in its presentation of the facts. However, it is clear that someone will be absolutely raking in the profits from this government sponsored, taxpayer-funded scheme.

    We declined the offer of the HPV vaccine for our daughter.


    I agree – it assumes that all girls are going to become sexually active under age. I don’t know if you know about the work of the Family Education Trust – they have some helpful leaflets https://familyeducationtrust.org.uk/publications/ and their report @Unprotected’ about the dangers of early sexualisation is well worth reading http://familyeducationtrust.org.uk/product/unprotected/

    Douglas Quinton

    Yes, the HPV vaccine seems to undermine the parent in safeguarding their children and sends a strong subliminal message of state imposed expectation on the child. In my view it is yet another example of the weakening of conscience through intended Cultural Marxism. Imposing new expectations on the populous who then extend that further in the next generations.

    We also refused to allow our, at the time 12/13 year old, daughter the vaccination.

    As a matter of fact I am against vaccination in total as they contain a range of neuro-toxins including a form of mercury that actually have substantial evidence, certainly in the case of MMR, of causing spectrums of autism which has increased exponentially since the MMR regime commenced. In my Bible it says that God gave us the fruit and seed bearing plants as our food (also medicine) per Genesis 1 and never intended that we should need to further inject ourselves with a liquid that contains poisons to our bodies. That is the opinion I have formed through various research and some might find it extreme. But a large part of our health and immune system and avoiding things such as cancer is eating plenty of high quality nutrients, mostly found in vegetables and fruit and avoiding processed foods. I prefer the organic variety. Expensive ? Cut out a holiday. Health is the most important thing we have in this life.


    yes the pharmaceuticals always prosper don’t they. i wish i hadn’t have caved in to the pressure and had been more confident to say no for my daughter. its pretty grim that young children are being injected like this with God knows what and society has come to this.


    At least it can now be refused. How long before it becomes compulsory?

    Douglas Quinton

    That’s the point the state starts to own our kids and removes them from us for not properly caring for them. The media whipping up a storm claiming we are child abusers for not protecting them. All a bit like the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984. That book has hit so many nails on the head already. We need to stay strong and teach our kids well – they are the hope for the future !


    Thought this Sky “report” was interesting:


    I think the general gist is supposed to be that the HPV vaccination is good news for women, because they will receive fewer cervical screenings. It’s certainly good for the NHS.

    Some observations I would note about the article:
    • Asserting “nearly all” cervical cancers are caused by HPV (and HPV is sexually transmitted), implies cervical cancer is equivalent to an STI, with all the associated social ramifications
    • Where cervical cancer is not caused by HPV – too bad – the new test to be introduced in 2019 will only check for abnormal cells if the virus is found
    • Girls aged 10 – 13 have been offered the HPV vaccination since 2008. I understand the vaccination is effective for 10 years, yet what seems to be proposed is to reduce the scans of vaccinated women to ages 30, 40 and 55. Not quite sure about the maths there, unless they’re proposing further vaccinations…

    The main point to note, however, is that this is article is symptomatic of an attempt to validate this vaccination in such a way as to make it increasingly difficult for parents to decline it.

    Rhea Steel

    It can be refused. My daughter in Uni has been pressured by jer GP to have it done, shocked that she hadnt gotten it in year 8. The GP tried to scare her into thinking she needed it. My oldest daughter had a key hole surgery done to look for endometiosis. All the women there that day and for that 30 minute time slot were offered the coil. Told how easy it was and they wouldnt have to worry about gettinf pregnant. Dont listen to GP’s as they will tell you anything to promote contraception. Womens health is in a poor state for sure.


    European Medicines Agency statistics show that up to February 2017, nearly 12000 reactions to Gardasil, offered as the HPV vaccine since 2012, have been recorded across the continent.

    If you do a search on What Doctors Don’t Tell You, putting “wddty HPV” in the search engine, there are a stream of articles talking about this subject.

    For example, there is an article about Lotte Emit, who at 15 suffered from a serious reaction to the HPV vaccine.

    There is also a special report which is very informative. Just type “wddty making trouble” into your browser.

    Another example is: The Daily Mail had an article about Mia Blesky who was left paralysed at the age of 12 after suffering a reaction to the HPV vaccine. (Daily Mail, 28th March, 2017).

    The UK Association for HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters represents the families that want more research into Gardasil.

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